At City Life Church we love and serve our local community.
We do this by focussing on three specific areas; the Trelander Estate, people experiencing some kind of need; and Children and Families.
We also believe that we are called to love and serve the global community.
Trelander Cafe
2nd Saturday of the month (East)
A community café with home made cakes, bacon butties, crafts, prayer and good company. ...more
Homes Hopes Lives
Recycling and re-using your unwanted furniture.
Help those in need in our community to make a new start. ...more
Growbaby Truro
Providing quality clothing and equipment for babies and children
and other support based on local needs
We provide good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year old's for free.

Tuesday's during term time @ Chapel Hill
10am-12:30pm, Contact Chris 07597983562
Lanterns is a friendly Christian support group. It's designed to help your emotional and spiritual growth during life's difficult circumstances. We aim to help individuals explore the Christian faithin an informal setting with a simple gospel message; prayer, worship and time to discuss the bigger questions. We believe Jesus loves you and you have value and are not alone.
Toddler & Baby
Weekly during term times @ Chapel Hill
Booking essential as places are limited
- Wednesday mornings
- Wednesday afternoons
- Thursday mornings
Sessions full of activity, toys, outdoor play, craft, soft play, story time, music, friendship and refreshments. ...more
The Lighthouse
3rd Saturday of the month @ Chapel Hill
9.30am for breakfast . . . finishing at 10.45am
(No need to book)
Christmas Lighthouse 14th Dec
The lighthouse is for family, grandparents and friends to come along together, it’s not just for the children! ...more
Dads and Kids
1st Saturday of the Month @ Chapel Hill
Drop in between
9.30 – 11.00am
(No Need to book)
This is a group for dads and male carers and their children (of all ages).
There is plenty for the children to do including craft, activities, games, and soft play as well as good coffee and bacon butties! ...more
Global Community
World Mission
We want people the world over to experience fullness of life through Christ.
Home Mission
Helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. ...more
Throughout the year
Got Questions?
We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view.
Contact the church office for details. ...more
Christians against poverty
Struggling with Debt?
CAP are passionate about releasing people in our nation from a life sentence of debt, poverty and their causes. Through their services, which are all run through local churches, they are tackling poverty head on. ...more
Servants of All
Loving like Jesus
For us all to humbly and sacrificially serve people, not seeing ourselves as better than others and always seeking to love the person that is before us. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |