In Isaiah, in the Old Testament, the prophet looked ahead to a time when Jesus would come and change everything. This is what Isaiah says about that time …

“Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2

At City Life Church we want everyone to embrace all that God gives us as we put our trust in Christ, and that we, the church, have a key role in displaying, shining, the light of God (His Glory) to the world. We use the word ARISE to remind us how we do this ….

Ambitious for the Kingdom

Seeing like Jesus

For us all to have a vision for all things everywhere to be shaped and influenced by the crucified, resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus Christ and to be seeking to see that fulfilled

Restored Identity

Being like Jesus

For us all to have a relationship with God (through Christ) and fully grasp our true identity, and authority in the world, as children of the living God

Inside out Living

Free like Jesus

For us all to be seeking to live free from the negative influence of the world, the flesh and the devil, and for the primary influence in our lives to be our relationship with our Heavenly Father (our restored identity)

Servants of All

Loving like Jesus

For us all to humbly and sacrificially serve people, not seeing ourselves as better than others and always seeking to love the person that is before us

Empowered by the Spirit

Living like Jesus

For us all to be knowing and growing in our awareness, experience, power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and what He wants to do in us and through us

You are Welcome

Receive a genuine welcome

Our hope is that City Life is a church where everyone will be welcomed, loved and honoured, and feels able to belong. ...more


ARISE Partners

…. all things everywhere

As City Life Church Partners we commit to partner with God and one another to see God’s plan fulfilled in every person, in our immediate community and in the wider world. ...more

What we Believe

Statement of Faith

Filled with God’s love, it is our responsibility to share, display and declare the power and the impact of Jesus’s death and resurrection everywhere.

At City Life Church we believe that …more



Meet the team

At City Life Church there are a whole number of people who have leadership and oversight of different areas of our life together as a church. ...more


Contact us

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you. ...more

CITY LIFE CHURCH   Chapel Hill  |  Truro  |  Cornwall TR1 3BD  |  01872 241984  |

Chapel Hill | Truro
Cornwall TR1 3BD
01872 241984