Recycling and re-using your unwanted furniture
Help those in need in our community to make a new start
Re-store aims to improve the lives of those who have been in supported living, or are on low incomes, by providing them with the essentials to set up home, re-using donated household items such as fridges, sofas, cookers, TVs and any other items that are in good condition. We want to provide good, clean household items that will show that however life has treated you, you have value, and we want you to have the opportunity to be able to make a fresh start – creating a real home and a happier future.
Why dump things that can be re-used? We all know that reducing waste is a vital part of protecting the environment.
Save the planet and let your unwanted furniture, linen, crockery and appliances make someone else’s house a home.
If you no longer need a household item, and it’s too good to throw away, please pass it onto us!
We see the kindness of people who give and the gratitude of those who receive
If you have any items to donate, please call Chris on
07597 983562
Collection can be arranged
At the heart of our ministry is the belief that all people are made in the image of God, and are precious.

You are Welcome
Receive a genuine welcome
Our hope is that City Life is a church where everyone will be welcomed, loved and honoured, and feels able to belong. ...more
Let us know
Let us know a bit about you so we can keep in touch
If you are new to City Life Church please fill in a Get Connected card, you can pick one up from the Get Connected desk. We would also love to invite you to one of our regular welcome lunches. ...more

Tuesday's during term time @ Chapel Hill
10am-12:30pm, Contact Chris 07597983562
Lanterns is a friendly Christian support group. It's designed to help your emotional and spiritual growth during life's difficult circumstances. We aim to help individuals explore the Christian faithin an informal setting with a simple gospel message; prayer, worship and time to discuss the bigger questions. We believe Jesus loves you and you have value and are not alone.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |