Every Sunday @ City Life Church Central
9:45am for coffee
10:10am Service begins
Chapel Hill, Truro
The weekends at City Life Church tend to be the time when we gather in larger groups to encounter God’s presence together and be inspired, challenged, encouraged and equipped for the days ahead. Each weekend has a slightly different format and focus – you can see that below.
Because we recognise that not everyone can get into the building, or may not want to at this time, we livestream two gatherings a month on our Facebook channel, usually on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. These services are also uploaded to our YouTube channel.
The 1st and 3rd services are sometimes recorded and if appropriate, edited before being uploaded to our YouTube channel.

1st Sunday
This is an intergenerational gathering when we intentionally focus on the different parts of ARISE (a series of foundational principles that we build on as a church). The aim for these times is for everyone to explore, engage with, and really think about what it means to walk in these principles that are central to our life as a church.

2nd & 4th Sundays
The emphasis these weeks is on building everyone up from the Bible, with more time given to creative and inspiring teaching and will usually be followed by a time of response to what we believe God is saying to us. While the talk is happening the children will go to Powerhouse or Youth groups where they will encourage each other to GROW in Jesus. These gatherings will usually be live streamed.

3rd Sunday
The Bible talks about God generously giving good gifts to his children. The Bible also tells us that God has done everything through the Cross for us to experience healing, restoration, and peace. The emphasis of these Sundays is to really explore and experience this together. There will be a shorter talk and lots of time for worship, praying and ministering to one another.
2nd and 4th Sundays @ Chapel Hill
Groups for all children up to age 11 years
During the main service our children go to Powerhouse where they encourage each other to GROW in Jesus.
Games, challenges, Bible stories, reflections, encounter, music, snacks, drama, puppets, friendship, chatting to God and much, much ...more
Twice a month @ Chapel Hill
10am Youth AM age 11-14
5:30pm Youth PM age 14+
Dinner, activities, bible study, and prayer.
Services Online
Services Online
Live Streamed
Watch some of our services live on Facebook
Watch again
Catch up or watch a service again on YouTube. ...more
When we gather on Sunday our hope and prayer is that it is a time of encounter
An encounter with God and also with each other.
We believe that when we meet in His name, He is there with us and wants to meet with us.
We recognise that this will be different for different people as we are a very diverse group, but this is to be celebrated and enjoyed.

The Bible
Each week we read from the Bible and there will be a talk based upon what has been read.
Worship is so much more than what we do on Sunday.
But what we do on Sunday is an important part of our worship.
At City Life Church there are a number of different music groups that lead times of worship each week.
As a church we believe that prayer should
Be like a thread of gold that runs throughout the fabric of the whole church.
Figure as ‘a first resource not as a last resort’.
Underpin all our activity as a church, and be significant in our lives as followers of Jesus. ...more

Hearing from God
We believe that we can hear from God and that there are times when He speaks through His people, and there is space for this.

Being Together
There is space and time for people to meet together and chat over a coffee. We also have occasional lunches after the service.

This is an opportunity to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Christ. We celebrate communion once a month in the morning and this is open to anyone who believes in Christ.

At City Life Church we believe that a key way of celebrating faith in Christ in our lives is through Baptism. We do this either in the church or down at the beach.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 | office@citylifechurch.co.uk