City Life Church Pastors
We have three ‘One Church’ Pastors at City Life Church. Their primary role is ‘to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.’ – Ephesians 4 v 12&13.
The Pastors meet with each other every week and work very closely with all the ministry teams to encourage, release and ensure that the ARISE values are kept at the heart of all we do.

Pastor Matt Noble
Matt Noble
Matt became the pastor of City Life Church in 2006. Matt is married to Angela and they have three children, Ben, Jamie and Hollie. Matt’s heart is for the church to increasingly become that which God created it to be, a community of people bound together by Christ, loving one another, and seeking to see lives, communities and nations impacted by the Kingdom of God, and believes everyone has a part to play in that!

Pastor Lynda Sanders
Lynda Sanders
Lynda has been on City Life Church staff team since 2013 heading up the children and families ministry, in the past few years she has also stepped into an Assistant Pastor role serving in the wider areas of City Life Church leadership.
Lynda’s heart is to see children and young people (everyone really!) experience and be empowered by the presence of God and walk with Jesus in their everyday.
Lynda is married to Tony and they have four children.

Pastor Hannah Harris
Hannah Harris
Hannah is a wife, mother, local authority employee and part of the church leadership team. She also has other labels like friend, neighbour, shopper, football mum, tennis player….her heart is for everyone to discover that God is interested in and wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives. Her role is to support, equip and resource people to live life fully the way that God made them to live.
Worshipping Community Leads
Each of our three worshipping communities (West, East and Central), whilst being supported by the wider leadership, have their own oversight teams. These groups are tasked with developing and delivering the individual vision of each of the worshipping communities, in conjunction with the wider vision and focus of the church (ARISE). They will be aware of the pastoral and prayer needs within their worshipping community and will take the lead in developing what the ‘gathered’ and ‘scattered’ life of their worshipping communities looks like.
It will be down to each of the Worshipping Communities to develop their own pattern of meeting together. They will regularly connect with Matt.

Chris & Suzi Cascarina
Chris & Suzi Cascarina
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church East
We live locally and are part of the City Life Church team. We’re both employed by City Life – Chris is the Community Pastor and Suzi is an Administrator in the Church Office. We both became Christians over 20 years ago. Our stories are very different, but we both have the same truth to tell – that Jesus is very real and just waiting for us to call upon Him.

Mark & Hannah Harris
Mark & Hannah Harris
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church East
We have lived on the Trelander estate and been part of City Life Church for over 20 years. We help run the community café on the second Saturday. You may have seen Mark repairing an old MG Midget car that is parked up on our drive and Hannah walks nearly everywhere so you might have seen her stomping up and down the hill.
We believe God is good and loving and has shown us what he’s like through Jesus. We believe Jesus is real and alive (although not around in the flesh anymore) and wants to be in a relationship with each one of us. We believe that relationship can make a difference to your family, work, community, environment . . . in fact everything! And we’d love to get to know you more and to show you a bit more of who Jesus is.

Steve & Michelle Worts
Steve & Michelle Worts
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church East
We live locally with Steve’s mum June and have two lovely cats and we are part of City Life Church, Truro
We enjoy coming along and helping at Trelander Café chatting and making friends with the local community who pop along each month. We both work in the local community, Steve as a debt coach and Michelle with bookings at the Moresk Centre. We also volunteer at Lanterns group at City Life Central which is a support group and part of Christians Against Poverty. Previously in Essex we ran cafe style church and shared with people about the good news of Jesus. Our desire is to see people’s lives transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you at City Life Church East.

Matt & Angela Noble
Matt & Angela Noble
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church Central
Matt became the pastor of City Life Church in 2006. Matt is married to Angela and they have three children, Ben, Jamie and Hollie. Matt’s heart is for the church to increasingly become that which God created it to be, a community of people bound together by Christ, loving one another, and seeking to see lives, communities and nations impacted by the Kingdom of God, and believes everyone has a part to play in that!

Lynda Sanders
Lynda Sanders
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church Central
Lynda has been on City Life Church staff team since 2013 heading up the children and families ministry, in the past few years she has also stepped into an Assistant Pastor role serving in the wider areas of City Life Church leadership.
Lynda’s heart is to see children and young people (everyone really!) experience and be empowered by the presence of God and walk with Jesus in their everyday.
Lynda is married to Tony and they have four children.

Hannah Clay
Hannah Clay
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church Central
Hannah is a secondary school teacher and worship leader who’s heart is to see lives transformed by God’s love. She loves the sea and tries to be in, on or by the water as much as possible.

Segun and Omoleegho Adio
Segun and Omoleegho Adio
Worshipping Community Leads
City Life Church Central
We moved to Truro in September 2022 and have been members of City Life Church ever since. Originally from Nigeria, we have a deep yearning in our hearts to see young believers, both in terms of age and level of maturity in the faith, to grow and be discipled. We also love working with the youth and are teachers in the church’s Youth Team.
Omoleegho is a doctor at the Treliske hospital and Segun is a digital lead with the hospital’s Patient Services team. We have a beautiful daughter, Moyin, a source of pride and joy to our family.

John & Sally Berriman
John & Sally Berriman
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church West
John and Sally have been married for 48 years and have two children and six grandchildren.
They live on the west side of Truro, and have 6 cattle, 7 chickens and a cocker spaniel!
They have been Christians for 35 years and have planted three churches in Cornwall and are now part of the new worshipping community on the west side of Truro.
They have a passion to see people live an abundant life in Jesus and John is an ambassador for the Public Health Collaboration, leading courses to help people live healthier lives.

Karen & Murray Golder
Karen & Murray Golder
Worshipping Community Lead
City Life Church West
We’ve lived in Cornwall sinc 2015 and have 30 years experience of church planting and leadership both in the UK and overseas. We were missionaries in Central Asia for 10 years before returning to the UK. We have two grown children, a son at University and a daughter who has disabilities, she lives with us and is at college.
We are both ordained ministers in the Baptist Union and Murray is also a painter/decorator and worship leader. Karen is a school SENDCo (after many years teaching), and is completing a diploma in counselling and psychotherapy.
City Life Church Staff Team
The staff team, work alongside the Pastors and teams of volunteers, run the day to day implementation of our vision and mission at City Life Church.
The staff team (Pastoral, Admin, Comms and Finance) meet together regularly.

Community Pastor Chris Cascarina
Chris Cascarina
Community Pastor
Chris has been on staff at City Life Church since 2016. Chris is married to Suzi, and he has four children; Daniel, Jade, Phoebe and Molly.
Chris believes that at the heart of the Christian message is the belief that people are special, and God puts a seed of greatness in everyone. He passionately believes that God’s love comes when we fulfil the needs of others, and speak the truth in love.
Chris helps run the Lanterns Support Group each week and also runs Re-Store helping those in need in our community to make a new start.
If you would like to support Chris financially
either regularly or a one-off gift please click here.

Youth Pastor / Worker
Dan Cooke
Youth Pastor/Worker
Our newest member of the team.

SWYM Youth Trainee
SWYM Youth trainee
Our Vision for Youth, and Children at City Life Church is that every young person and child has the possibility to hear, respond and personally experience and grow in the Gospel. It is our desire that City Life Church provides an environment for young people and children to be nurtured in their spirituality, to grow through personal faith and be released into their God-given potential.
This SWYM Trainee role is predominantly Youth focused. On occasions, there will be involvement in Children’s and Families Ministry.
Please visit the SWYM website for full details of the Trainee role and the SWYM programme.

Toddler, Baby & Family Group Lead Sue Rice
Sue Rice
Toddler, Baby & Family Group Lead
Sue joined City Life Church when she became part of the toddler team. She has a passion for seeing families thrive and loves spending time in the company of toddlers. Their enthusiasm for life and ability to live in the present is infectious and inspiring! Sue enjoys exploring and facilitating children’s spirituality. She is married and has two grown up children.

Family Worker Lead - Toddler & Baby Groups Lorna Sapsford
Lorna Sapsford
Family Worker Lead – Toddler & Baby Groups
Lorna is married to Rob and has two young children. Having experienced the challenges of bringing up small children and the change in identity to becoming a Mum, her heart is to support young families during these early years and for people to experience God’s love and value in him.

Growbaby, Toddler and Lead Pioneering Worker Dorota Moszko
Dorota Moszko
Growbaby, Toddler and Lead Pioneering Worker
Originally from Poland, where for many years I was working with children and youths as a worship leader. My journey with City Life Church started many years after my move to Truro, whilst one of the Alpha courses.
I have been always passionate about meeting new people and connecting with them. Over the years I have been working in care and college mainly with autistic people, empowering them in achieving their goals and being more independent. Since I have become a mum (not that long ago), my heart is to support children and their families on that fascinating but also challenging journey.

Part-time Administrator Suzi Cascarina
Suzi Cascarina
Part-time Administrator
Suzi came onto staff at City Life Church in 2022 and is married to Chris the Community Pastor. She can be found in the Church Office on Mondays and Tuesdays, working as the Administrator in this job share role.
Suzi comes to the church from a predominantly legal background, previously as a Legal Assistant/Paralegal for many years. However, her heart’s desire is to make known that Christ’s love and forgiveness is available to absolutely anyone and everyone who wants to know Him. This is one of the reasons Suzi loves to take part in outreach opportunities in the community, as much as possible.

Part-time Administrator & Communications Lead
City Life Church Elders
The primary role of the Elders at City Life Church is to provide: Encouragement – Encouraging and supporting the Pastors in their oversight of the church, being aware of, and where appropriate, be involved in, some of the more complicated pastoral situation.
Accountability – The Elders will be encouraging us all to keep the ARISE values at the heart of the church and ensure that we are maintaining our mission to community whilst growing disciples.
Covering – The Elders will be fully involved in the prayer and worship at City Life Church and will have an awareness of the preaching and teaching focus in each of the three worshipping communities. They will help to weigh and encourage the implementing of prophetic words that are shared. Encouraging ongoing unity with in the life of the church.
The main emphasis of the ministry of the Elder is to be present in the different gatherings and with the team. The Elders will meet together as a group and regularly with the Pastors.

Elder James Garvican
James Garvican
James has been a part of City Life Church since 2015 and has a heart for all of our worshipping communities to see the Power of God at work in our day to day lives and not only through weekly gatherings. James has a keen interest in chess and most sports, but particularly American football and Formula 1. Married to Karen with two grown up children, a love for Worship can occasionally find James playing the keyboard in our Sunday gatherings.

Elder Barney Trevivian
Barney Trevivian
Barney has been in church leadership for a number of years. His main passion is leading worship and to see the church family released into uninhibited worship of Jesus. He still works part-time in his business as a graphic designer and is using his gifting to support those within the fellowship who are both in full-time and part-time ministries, as well as supporting church activities across the board through printed media.

Elder Anna Chellamuthu
Anna Chellamuthu
Anna has been a part of City Life Church since 2015 and has a growing vision and passion to see the power of God at work in and through the church. Anna longs to see people walking more fully in health and wholeness as they walk in their freedom and identity in Christ. Anna enjoys leading a weekly women’s small group and helping out in Powerhouse. Anna is married to Chells and they have 2 teenage children and 2 energetic dogs.
City Life Church Trustees / Deacons
The Trustees have a particular focus on the practical running of the church. They prayerfully consider and focus upon matters relating to health and safety, data protection, Human Resources, premises and properties, safeguarding, finance and budgeting, care of volunteers, evaluating our environmental impact, and giving to causes beyond the church.
Two key roles within the Trustees are the Church Secretary and Treasurer. These roles are elected from the Trustees each year. The Church Secretary is the key link between the Trustees, the Partners and the day to day running of the church operations. The Treasurer manages budgets, payments and communicating church financial information.
The Trustees/Deacons meet every other month, usually on-line, but are at times required to meet if pressing issues arise in between meetings
The current deacons are: Helen Lewis, Helen Holmes, Michael Cutler and Graeme Penwright

Church Secretary Helen Holmes
Helen Holmes
Church Secretary
Helen has a professional background in secondary and further education and was previously our designated person for safeguarding prior to being appointed as church secretary. She is married to Marten and they have two sons and five grandchildren.

Treasurer Ian Pearce
Ian Pearce
Ian worked for the County Council in Finance before retiring in 2011. He is married to Mary-Lynn and has one son who lives and works in London. A few months, after retirement, he took over the role of Treasurer which was a natural fit for him. For Ian it has been a privilege to serve God in this role for the Church.

Deacon / Trustee Graeme Penwright
Graeme Penwright
Deacon / Trustee
Graeme has been part of our Church family since 2015. He has two amazing children and is enjoying journeying with them as they grow up. Graeme’s role includes assisting with the maintenance of the premises alongside Paul and Gerald, updating the church website and YouTube channel, technical support, discipleship and helping with children’s ministry within the church and community. Graeme enjoys discovering the powerful word of God through an apologetic approach and unpacking the bible to make it accessible to others.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |