News and Events
Arise and Build
We are all called to be Kingdom builders: Individually – in our own hearts, minds, homes, and wherever we connect with our communities (our spheres of in uence); and together as the church, seeking to discern where God is calling us to build together in Truro and the surrounding area.
Isiah 60:1-2
As we move through 2025 we want everybody in City Life Church to focus on really growing in relationship with Christ, further discerning his call upon their lives and our church, building on our ARISE principles, so that we will see the Kingdom of God advance.
We are planning a number of events that will continue to equip us to achieve this . . .
Saturday 15th – 21st February
A Week of Prayer
Including 12 Hours of Worship with Revelation 4:1 as our focus . . . “Look*, the door to heaven is standing open and the invitation is clear, ‘Come up here! I will show you what must happen next’.
(* To see with the mind, to perceive, know; to see, i.e. become acquainted with by experience, to care for, pay heed to.)
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th March
Big Church Weekend: BOOKING REQUIRED
The focus for the weekend is the The Revival We Long For with Mitch and Amanda Mitchell from Crown Jesus Ministries in Northern Ireland will be leading us over the weekend.
This is going to be a great opportunity for the whole church to get together to worship, be inspired, pray and have loads of fun.
Please download and complete the booking form and post it in the church letter box (opposite front door) or email the information on the form to
Download the booking form
Download the full flyer
Saturday 26th April 9.30am – 1pm
God’s Gifts to the Church
During this session we will explore each of the Ephesians 4: Gifts to the church (Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists). We will be hearing from people operating in each of the different areas of gifting, and we will explore together what our own gift/calling is.
Saturday 24th May 2025 9.30am – 1pm
Hearing the Voice of God
This session will explore the different ways in which God’s speaks today and together we will explore how we listen and position ourselves to hear well. We will also look at the Spiritual gifts of prophecy, words of knowledge, tongues and interpretations.
Saturday 28th June 9.30am – 1pm
Releasing the Kingdom
This session will explore the whole area of impacting your spheres of influence (those areas of your life where you have the ability to shape the environment). We will identify the ‘keys to the Kingdom’ that are ours as followers of Jesus and will explore what it means to release heaven’s reality, or bind demonic forces and powers, through prayer, proclamation, praying for miracles, and operating in the counter spirit.
Download or request a printed copy
If you would like a printed copy check the Get Connected desk or contact the church office.
Download a PDF copy
the Christian’s Vital BREATH
(77 days)
After a quick look on my bookshelf at home I found the following books on prayer: ‘Praying Successfully’ by Charles Spurgeon, ‘Rees Howells – Intercessor’ by Norman Grubb, ‘The Practice of Prayer’ by G. Campbell Morgan, ‘How to Pray’ by Pete Grieg, ‘Prayer: Key to Revival’ by David Yonggi Cho, ‘Reckless Devotion’ by Heidi and Roland Baker. There are others, but what stood out about these is that these are all people who have seen the most amazing moves of God in their communities, and through their ministries. This undoubtedly highlights the importance of prayer for us all, and partly why we are embarking on this series on prayer, which we will be following with this reading plan. It continues to be our experience that when we take time to pray, and particularly as we persist in prayer, we start to see God move more and more.
I have another book on prayer, it was given to me a number of years ago by the author who I met whilst at Bible School. It is called ‘Prayer – The Christian’s Vital Breath’ by L. A.T. Van Dooren. I don’t know too much about the author; I am not aware of him leading big revivals or preaching to the masses … he was simply a faithful follower of Jesus who had learnt how prayer needed to be at the heart of all that he did. He took the title of his book from a 19th Century hymn – ‘Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath, the Christian’s native air,’ and we are going to use that title for this series.
As we embark on this journey, thinking about the different ways we can pray, and then meditating on example of these types of prayer in the Bible (and as part of this time spending a week praying around our worshipping communities), let us all embrace this God-given gift more and more so that it becomes as natural (and vital) to us as breathing.
Join our Team
Children’s Pastor
(24 hours a week – Term Time Only) *
*two-year fixed term contract
At City Life Church we believe we have a mission to live wholeheartedly for God and through this see His Kingdom come and God-given potential released in ourselves, others in our communities and beyond. Our vision is for children to experience God’s love and see God’s love in action through every part of our Children, Youth and Families Ministry, as well as through our City Life Church family.
We are celebrating growth in our Kingdom ministry to children both within City Life Church family and within the community. This is a new role, but you will be joining an established team who have a passion to nurture and see children encounter, know, grow, love and live for Jesus. We want to see children filled with Holy Spirit, and seeking God’s adventures, plans and purposes in their families and the frontline of their everyday.
Do you share this passion for children? Then we want to hear from you!
The person is required to be a role model to children, teaching and living Christian truths; therefore, there is an occupational requirement for the post-holder to be a Christian as set out within our Statement of Faith and Welcome document.
The successful applicant will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal records disclosure check.
For a full job description contact Lynda Sanders on 01872 241984 or
Closing date for applications Friday, 21st February 2025 by CV and letter to be sent either electronically or by post to:
Lynda Sanders (One-Church Pastor)
City Life Church
Chapel Hill
Truro TR1 3BD
Interviews will be held during week commencing: 24th February 2025
Join our Team
Administrator and Communications Lead
City Life Church is a growing, diverse church family, seeking to be led by the Spirit. We are focused on, and passionate about, seeing the transforming power of the Kingdom of God change lives and communities.
We are seeking to appoint a permanent paid Administrator and Communications Lead to work part-time in our church office on Wednesdays and Thursdays for 12 hours. Starting hourly rate: £11.44 per hour (rising to £12.21 from 1st April 2025).
Areas of responsibility will be communications and general administration. Promotion of the life of the church through digital communication will be a key part of this role, including producing the weekly online newsletter, oversight of social media and management of the church website.
Applications including a letter of application, the names of two referees and a CV should be sent either by email or post to the Church Secretary
A full job description is available from Helen Holmes, Church Secretary or the church office upon request.
Growbaby Truro
We provide good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year old’s for free.
Whether you have a baby on the way or already have a little one, you are so welcome at Growbaby. We have good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year olds.
Everything is free so please come and browse and take what you need for your family.
Free tea and coffee, changing facilities also on site. You don’t need a referral just come along.
Monday 10am -12noon during term time
Can be dropped off during School Term at City Life Church on:
Monday 1:00 – 2.30pm
Wednesday 12noon – 1:00pm
Thursday 12noon – 1:00pm
Contact the Church office for more details
or visit our facebook page Growbaby Truro at City Life Church
Small Groups
Get Connected
We have a wide range of small groups that meet through the week.
Bible Study, Fellowship, Exercise, Walking etc. ...more
Join the team?
We are blessed by a huge number of people who serve in the life of the Church and our Community, but we are always looking for more. ...more
We seek to build
our church and our lives upon the five points of ARISE
Ambitious for the Kingdom
Restored Identity
Inside out Living
Servants of All
Empowered by the Spirit ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |