Reading Plans

As a church we journey through the Bible together with joint reading plans.
These reading plans are often the focus for our Sunday service, small groups and Children’s and Youth ministries.

Below is our latest reading plan, you can also view our Reading Plan Library for all our previous plans.

Ezra & Nehemiah

(21 days)

Ezra and Nehemiah give us a wonderful account of a crucial period in the history of God’s chosen people. As a result of their disobedience and rebellion against God, they had found themselves living in Babylon, in exile. It was a strange land to them, in which they had to toil under tyrannical masters with very di  erent beliefs and values to their own, and they were treated very badly. After 70 years, through a miraculous change of heart of the ruler Babylonian ruler, Cyrus, they were allowed to return to their beloved Jerusalem, to the land God had promised to them many many years before.

Many had got used to their lives in exile and chose to remain in captivity, and not to return, even though this was the promise of God upon their lives. Some did make the long journey back to Jerusalem – you get a snapshot of the emotional roller coaster that this was in Psalm 126. The reality was that they then had the even longer and harder journey once they had returned and started to rebuild the temple and the city (with its Godly governance and rule). All this is what is described in Ezra and Nehemiah.

As you read through these books (that should be read as one) you will see that key moments of decision on the journey are marked by times of worship, prayer and fasting, as were signi  cant moments of challenge or breakthrough. Let’s keep this in mind as we read and meditate upon these books during our time of prayer and fasting and seek the Lord for what September Daily Readings he is saying to us at this time.

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Reading Plan

Reading Plan Resources

We have a growing number of reading plans that cover all sorts of subjects, events, people and books of the Bible.

View, download or request printed copies of our reading plans for personal use, small groups or even whole churches.


Small Groups

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Empowered by the Spirit

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For us all to be knowing and growing in our awareness, experience, power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and what He wants to do in us and through us. ...more

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CITY LIFE CHURCH   Chapel Hill  |  Truro  |  Cornwall TR1 3BD  |  01872 241984  |

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Cornwall TR1 3BD
01872 241984